Rest in peace Bobby Lloyd Hicks

Rest in peace Bobby Lloyd Hicks
Skeletons Drummer Bobby Lloyd Hicks passed away February 19, 2017 (Left: Lloyd, Right: Lou Whitney) Photo by Dale Wiley

Saturday, September 27, 2008

from You Tube: The Morells play REDS. A huge Morell nod to Glenn Steinkamp for the link.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Lou in Jack Daniels TV commercial

Is there a bass player in the house? Yes, his name is Lou Whitney. (thanks again to Glenn Steinkamp) (and everyone at Arnold)

Also, here's a great interview with Lou

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

The Skeletons on You Tube

from You Tube: "Skeletons: "Play With My Heart" performing live on Art Fein's Poker Party, Dec 13, 1991. The pride of Springfield, Missouri, a/k/a The Morells." Thanks to soFeinVideo.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

NEW CD for sale: "Always Heed the SYMPTOMS - 'LIVE' in '78"

Your going to pop your belly over this one. Take some of your gas money, and give it to Tom Taber. On the right in this picture is the new single disc "Always Heed the SYMPTOMS - 'LIVE' in '78". A limited issue of 500 copies - 27 cuts lasting 78 minutes, including NO MONEY DOWN, WORLD'S GREATEST SINNER, PENETRATION, GET OUT OF DENVER, and their first performance of Lou's YOU MUST HAVE ME CONFUSED. Email to Tom Taber for purchase details Tom also has many copies of INSTANT HAPPY available, the 4 CD set on the left.