Rest in peace Bobby Lloyd Hicks

Rest in peace Bobby Lloyd Hicks
Skeletons Drummer Bobby Lloyd Hicks passed away February 19, 2017 (Left: Lloyd, Right: Lou Whitney) Photo by Dale Wiley

Sunday, September 3, 2006

Remember the old Parody Hall in Kansas City? The Morells played there in the early 80s. I snapped this shot while driving by this summer, my only reasoning being a sense of duty to capture history before it's torn down or turned into a Pizza Hut.


Anonymous said...

The 4sknns played there a lot in the mid 80s..
There's many vids on youtube of them at parody hall.

4sknns - 8 Days A Week (Live 1984 Parody Hall KC)

Anonymous said...

Love the picture - thanks. That was the strangest place to go when you were on acid. I used to go see the Belairs there.