above: 1981, The Morells, Lawrence, KS - photo by L. Wilson
"Coyote Club, Wichita, probably 1979 or 80, when their lineup included that Ozark Mountain Daredevils guy. The Coyote stayed open until 2 a.m. This particular Saturday night, however, was when daylight savings time ended, so at 2:00 it became 1:00. So we got another energetic set - they played from 10:00 until 3:00 a.m.- including breaks."
Jim R.
"My favorite Morells memory is one particular night at KC's old Parody Hall,circa 1980-81. The second-story dance floor was literally swaying to the beat, and I'm thinking, if it falls, at least I'll die happy. The band harmonizing on Psychedelic Situation, Wepp (Boy Go Wash Your Breath) and more. The best moment, though, (which I have documented on a tinny tape) is when, on the encore, they lurched from Folsom Prison Blues to Blitzkreig Bop.I contend they are the only band capable of doing it that well."
-Rick H.
Billy Goat Hill, Missippi Nights, The Blue Note -you name it!
Hey, Lou, Donnie, Rongo -It's been over 25 years. My band played some of the same clubs. But you guys got twice as much bread! Dear lord, I thought we were doing well at $500-600 a date, but you lads were doing $1200-$1500 IN 1980! Geese, Wasn't Billy Goat Hill a serious dive?! -Like playing inside a bear can. -but always a great crowd -slam dancing into the mikes and chipping my teeth!
When ever I could sneak away on a break I would hop in my 65 Beetle (with bad main bearings) and haul ass just to catch even a single song. Whenever you guys were in town i got yelled at for getting back late from our breaks -I just couldn't take my eyes off Donnie's hands. And Lou -you are a true maniac. I remember one show at an upscale club with lots of rich Wash-U preppies(near Soulard). You were playing 'Trans-Am' and you kept stopping the song to comment on the audience's attire, E.g, "Hey, nice Top-siders!", or "Is that a REAL alligator shirt?" I was on the floor with my sides aching.
Over the years, I have ripped off half Donnies licks. The other half, god himself could not play. Lou, you once told me that Donnie never practiced -is that really true? Lord help me.
The Stonehendge album is a large step forward and Donnie's playing is even more remarkable. -Frightening!
I am going to be in Saint Louis in Sept. to record. It would mean a lot to me to see you guys. PLUS I want Donnie to prove to me that he aint using a hidden b-string bender!
eMail me your schedule. If I can get out of bed and put a hat on my head, you can tell 'em I'll be there. I'll meet you at your favourite diner -the patty melts are on me.
donnie hoffman
PS: I bought the 4 CD live set. MEMORIES! -I was at that Billy Goat Hill Show. -And yeah, I dearly miss Maralie. "Go Ahead" was a great tune.
Fellow fans,
I noticed that the Skeletons are playing at Davey's Uptown in K.C. on Nov. 8th, '07. I hope to be able to attend. I haven't heard much about them since around 2000. I had to take a few years off to mend. I made sure to stock their CD in my corporate chainstore music/video store at that time. Even though I've lived in many places over the years, I've always purchased any of their releases if I could find them. Since the web, they've been easier to follow.
My earliest recollections of the band are when I lived in Springfield, MO in '79 to '84 and first saw the Morells at the fabulous Amador lounge below the bowling alley. My (then) young wife and I enjoyed dancing to their great live music and their retro meets new wave vibes. And yes, I used to chow down at Red's. You couldn't beat that suet. We'd also catch the Dog Peopl and the Edge at that pizza joint on National (name escapes me).
What's this about a "Stonhenge" CD? Is this a remake of the Ten Years After album or Spinal Tap? It's a shame that the Skeletons/Morells/Symptoms never hit the big time. Nevertheless, they are true stars in heaven. Maybe the "biz" just ain't ever gonna be ready for them. Has anyone mentioned the great CD that Lou produced and the band played behind Box Car Willy, "Rocky Box?" A must have in any discerning collection. Side note: If you liked "Rocky Box" check out "Waggonmaster" by Porter Waggoner. I still have some Skeletons 45's and other stuff from those days. Sadly I no longer have penny loafers.
Is anyone out there going to the Davey's show? I may even miss a Joey Skidmore gig to be there! I don't get out much anymore but I can still shake and push my old ass! So can the old lady! Rock and Roll is here to stay!
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